John Opalewski,
CEO of Converge Coaching

“How many pastors would like to work with a teammate who:

  • Knows how to lead himself/herself?
  • Knows how to process and problem solve?
  • Is a self-starter?
  • Who has that unique mixture of humility and confidence?

Coaching creates the conditions for all of these things to happen! Our goal is to help you build autonomy, not dependence.”

John Opalewski with Converge Coaching

“Imagine an opportunity to connect with a professional coach who creates a safe space where you can experience healthy change, become more self-aware, establish and take action toward achieving goals, and work more productively. The International Coaching Federation states that 80% of leaders who work with a coach increase their self-confidence, and more than 70% experience improved relationships and more effective communication skills. Converge’s coaches are all professionally trained, experienced, and credentialed.

– Mary Selzer, Director of Coach Training for Converge Coaching


Converge Coaching provides your first session, a free, 30 minute conversation to guide you to the right Coach.
What do you want to work on first?  Ministry? Life Rhythms? Goals? Problem solving? Staffing? Other? We have a coach that fits your need, your schedule, and at the right pace for your life.

Why Coaching?

  • A coach helps you explore the next step you need to take for success.
  • Coaching motivates you to action by building your confidence.
  • Coaches believe you have the answer within you and seek to help you find it. A great coach can help you discern the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the pace that is right for your ministry.
  • The most successful businesses invest in coaching (Forbes, Goldman Sachs, Tony Robbins “the CEO Whisperer”)
  • The best pro athletes have both team and personal coaches.


“I expressed feelings and thoughts to you today that have never been expressed to anyone before. I did not feel judged nor disqualified as a leader because of those thoughts and feelings. I hope you realize the impact you as a coach have on so many people.”

“My transition to a new season of leadership has been a long process and you have contributed to it in significant ways. Thank you for your steady voice that helped me execute the plan!”

“Before I started working with your coaches, my goal was to figure out how to keep my job as a lead pastor and still abuse substances. Today I’m healthier than I’ve ever been, my family is healthier, and the church I lead is vibrant and growing.”

“Reflecting today on God’s goodness and you are one of the reasons I am thankful. Thank you for partnering with us, praying with us, and believing in us this year. We may not have all the answers we were hoping for, but having a steadfast voice of truth and encouragement along the way has helped us tremendously.”

Get connected to our Coaches by filling out the form below. Once we receive your form submission our intake team will reach out to you with the next steps.

We’re looking forward to serving you!

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