3 Things God Wishes Every Christian Knew

by | Jan 15, 2015 | Leadership

The mantra “You are what you eat” became popular in the 1960s. If true… in light of the recent holiday season… I’m about to morph into a mound of sugar. When it comes to our relationship with Jesus… we really are what we eat.

In Psalm 63 King David wrote: “You God, are my God; earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my body longs for you… I cling to you.” The word “cling” in Hebrew literally means “glued.” What an impressive visual of David’s hunger for God.

Do you ever read Bible verses like this and wonder… is that level of spiritual passion available to me? If it is… how do I get there? Let me suggest three things that God wishes every Christian knew:

Spiritual hunger is equal opportunity

Psalm 107: 9 says “For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” (NIV) Spiritual hunger is not reserved just for “really holy people.” It’s available to every Jesus-follower.

Spiritual hunger flows from our habits

The first time I tasted coffee (5th grade) I needed eight sugars and five creams to make it tolerable. Over time, I developed a taste for java, and needed fewer condiments to enjoy it. Today I look forward to my daily cup of joe (sugar no longer required!). We develop a taste for God similarly. Over time and through repetition, spiritual hunger becomes as natural as our morning cup of coffee. Read the Bible and pray every day for three weeks… just ten minutes per day… and you’ll build a habit and spiritual hunger will grow.

Spiritual hunger grows when we talk about God’s goodness

In Psalm 63:3 David wrote “My lips will glorify you.” Two things are in view here… worship… both private and public. And witness… telling our story to others. When we tell God out loud how good He is… and share with people how good He is… spiritual hunger intensifies.

God wishes that every Christian knew that hunger for Him is not accidental. It’s doesn’t appear out of thin air. Spiritual hunger is a choice. It’s purposefully developed and cultivated. And it’s available to anyone who seeks it out.

I encourage you to pursue the Ultimate Hunger Game.