by | Nov 27, 2019 | Emotional Health, Gratefulness

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day!

I’ve heard business and psychology gurus pitch the idea that we can think our way to a better life. Their premise? Our brain is soft-wired, and can be re-wired by thinking positively, and in doing so, we can have a happier life.

Since this is Thanksgiving week, I’m wondering . . . can we not only think our way to a better life; can we  also thank our way to a better life? Does an attitude of gratitude actually help us to be happier? Shape our environment? Improve our relationships?

I think the answer to all of those questions is “yes.”

The Opalewski family has a tradition every year at Thanksgiving breakfast: we go around the table, and each person shares what they’re thankful for during the past year. (I know . . . not super-original.) I look forward to this annual ritual, because surprises always emerge as the kids and Laura share their reasons for being grateful.

And that annual tradition has me thinking today about five things I’m especially thankful for in 2019:

I am married to the love of my life

Laura is a gift from God to me. She’s walked alongside me through good times and bad, prosperous seasons as well as seasons where things were tight. In peaks of tremendous joy, and through valleys of deep sadness, she has remained immovable. I couldn’t have asked for a better wife. I’m feeling especially thankful for her this morning.

I have four amazing boys

Each one of them is unique in their gifting, personality, and calling. They’ve brought so much joy into my life. I cherish the season we are now in. As they’ve become men, our relationship has morphed into that of friends primarily. The older I get, the more I treasure time spent with them. So grateful today for these four guys.

I have three incredible daughters-in-law

I love my daughters-in-law. I appreciate the feminine touch they’ve brought to our brood of boys. I love them more each passing day. I’m grateful our sons have found the love of their lives. Which leads me to . . .

I have the most wonderful granddaughters in the world (No bias here)

These two girls are pure delight to this papa’s heart. I think about them and pray for them every day. It’s a joy watching these two babygirls grow physically, and develop their own personality. The love I feel for them is inexplicable. Feeling blessed today as I think about the privilege it is to be called “papa.”

Converge Coaching is experiencing amazing open doors

In many ways 2019 been a year of scratching and clawing in our ministry. Moments of doubt even. When I mentioned this to our pastor earlier in the year, he said: “Sounds like you’re in a season planting and watering.” His words proved prophetic. God has opened two amazing doors for Converge Coaching that are allowing us to grow our reach across the country. No space here to give you details, perhaps in a future post I’ll fill you in.

The bottom line . . . I get to do what I love for a living. How amazing is that? I feel blessed beyond measure when it comes to my calling.

The more I reflect on this past year, the more I realize 2019, while bringing some severe testing, has been so good. God has helped/is helping us work through those trials, teaching us new things about ourselves along the way—and for that I’m thankful this morning.

Life is funny sometimes, isn’t it? It’s hardly ever “all good” or “all bad.” I guess most often it’s a mix of both. When I choose to be grateful for what I do have, instead of ungrateful for what I don’t have, my heart feels lighter. My outlook brighter. Happiness resides nearby. Life just seems better.

I can thank my way to a better life.

My wish for you this Thanksgiving is that God will give you the ability to focus on what is good in your life. To celebrate everything and everyone you possibly can. And that you will learn everything you can from the tough stretches. Happy Thanksgiving my friends!

I’m rooting and praying for you!