Are You Busy… or Productive?

by | Apr 30, 2014 | Uncategorized

Laser2 Chronicles 23:6 says “… all the other men are to guard what the Lord has assigned to them.

Assignment… a critical word for a leader. One of the most relentless challenges of leading is staying on mission. Much of the work that confronts a leader pulls him or her away from their God-given purpose. The daily firefighting inherent in directing any organization can be distracting. It can also be intoxicating. Solving people problems… knocking out the items on your to do list… running on adrenaline… these can bring a short term sense of accomplishment. But they often kill assignment. Busy-ness doesn’t guarantee productivity.

Good leadership outcomes require you to regularly ask yourself: “Why did God put me on planet Earth?” “What is my unique contribution to the organization I’m leading?” “Am I doing what really matters?” Leaders need a laser-like focus to stay on point.

Guarding our assignment means we:

  • Devote the best part our day, time, and energy to our God-given purpose.
  • Develop (and work at) a to-do list that tracks with our mission.
  • Deal ruthlessly with distractions (notice I didn’t say deal ruthlessly withpeople).
Leader… what is your God-given assignment? What contribution can you alone make to the organization you lead? Are you giving your God-given purpose the time, energy, and focus it deserves? Of course you’ll have to tend to other tasks that aren’t assignment-centric… but don’t allow them to keep you from pursuing your purpose.
Guard what the Lord has assigned to you.