The Real Dirt on Abuse

The Real Dirt on Abuse

In the United States, 60% of young women in dating relationships report some form of physical abuse. Nearly 80% of them continue to date their abuser. According to a UNICEF survey, the percentage of women aged 15-49 who think a husband is justified in hitting or...

Anger: Friend or Foe?

Anger: Friend or Foe?

The apostle Paul said in Ephesians 4:26 - "In your anger, do not sin." I wonder how much better life would be if we followed Paul's counsel here? Anger is a tricky emotion. Some well-meaning people have taught us to avoid it at all costs... that the emotion itself is...

Is Emotional Fitness Overrated?

Is Emotional Fitness Overrated?

This morning... 23 million Americans woke up suffering with clinical depression... 40 million with anxiety disorders. Staggering numbers. Depression and anxiety are becoming the top health issues worldwide. They cut across all lines of age, race, gender, and social...