Mar 14, 2023 | Emotional Health, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor
Today’s episode is the sixth in a series of pods focused on the subject of mental and emotional well-being. Barna reported in April of 2022 that 42 percent of lead pastors were seriously considering quitting the ministry. The main drivers? Stress . . . isolation . . ....
Mar 9, 2023 | Abuse, Emotional Health, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor
Sometimes it is impossible to avoid unpleasant people. We may work with them or attend school with them. They may also be part of our families. If those people are toxic, learning to navigate those relationships while maintaining our own emotional health and not...
Mar 7, 2023 | Abuse, Difficult people, Emotional Health, Leadership, Mental Health, Ministry Leader, Pastor
We’re currently in a series of pods on mental and emotional health. We’ve talked about becoming our own best friend; telling our anger where to go. Today we’ll focus on the subject of protecting ourselves from people whose mission in life is to hurt us. You can...
Mar 2, 2023 | Abuse, Emotional Health, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor
The word bully conjures images of the schoolyard ruffian pounding the lunch money out of a poor, defenseless soul. Add the modern-day equivalent of a middle school student enduring social media harassment at the fingertips (or thumbs) of a cyberbully. We tend to hope...
Feb 28, 2023 | Anger, Emotional Health, Leadership, Mental Health, Ministry Leader, Pastor
In today’s episode John and Jim continue their conversation which started in Episode 176 . . . Telling Anger Where to Go. All of us experience anger. We get and stay healthy by processing it in a way that honors God and frees us from the suffocating grip of bitterness...
Feb 23, 2023 | Anger, Assertiveness, Forgiveness, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor
Last week we talked about telling our anger where to go. We encouraged an honest appraisal of our anger and then we examined unhealthy expressions of such. In Unshakable You: 5 Choices of Emotionally Healthy People, John Opalewski says, “In Ephesians 4:31, the apostle...