When one of my boys was 12 years old he announced that he was “retiring” from soccer. His 2-year AYSO career was officially over. He was hanging up the soccer cleats for good.  Maybe you’ve heard the axiom “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” But I wonder… is that always true?

You’ve probably thought about quitting at some point in your life. I remember wanting to quit school in seventh grade due to the introduction of algebra. Up to that point school, from an academic perspective, had been a breeze. (We won’t discuss behavioral issues that required a daily report of my recess activities to the principal.)

Who hasn’t been tempted to give up on their exercise and diet program? Or to drop out of school? Or to quit their job at some point? The occasional temptation to pack it in and move on to greener pastures is almost universal.

So what can we do when we’ve had enough and feel like we can’t take it anymore? When our dream job has turned into drudgery? When our calling seems to have lost its sizzle? When the stress feels overwhelming? When we want to quit?

Reach out to a close friend

Sharing your burden with a trusted friend instantly reduces the weight of the burden. Talking with someone you trust can help you properly frame your current challenge. We are commanded in Scripture (Galatians 6) to bear each other’s burdens. Burdens in that context mean loads that are too heavy for one person to carry alone.

Reconnect with God

He is the ultimate encourager. You don’t have to clear calendars or set an appointment to share your concerns with Him. He is willing to listen always… and not just listen…  but to give you practical help also. The apostle Peter tells us to “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

Rethink your situation

What options do you have in front of you? Which of those seem best right now? Are you working from a base of accurate information?  Do you believe that the grass is greener elsewhere? That you would be less stressed in another job? Or more peaceful living in another city? Be advised that every situation has its own set of challenges and stresses.

Realistically, you may be legitimately done at your current company… or finished with a particular role or position there. There is a time when moving on is appropriate. Retiring from soccer may be the right thing to do in certain seasons of your life. Just be open to the possibility that God wants you to stay put and push through this tough period.  Maybe He is trying to teach you a few things.

When making the quit/stay decision, avoid doing so in isolation… or out of frustration… or based on bad data. Reach out to a trusted friend(s). Reconnect with God. And rethink your situation. The truth is sometimes winners do quit. But they usually do a lot of praying and thinking first. They do their homework and conduct an honest self-evaluation. And they almost always enlist the counsel of trusted friends.