by | Feb 13, 2025 | Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Values

In our last post two weeks ago, we unpacked why vision. What it is, why it matters, along with several pointers on how to get started.

Once you gain vision clarity for the church you lead (that process could take 6 months or more), it’s our belief the next hill to climb is to identify and amplify organizational core values. Vision answers the question, “where?” Where is God taking the organization you lead?

Core values answer the question, “how?” How will we behave on our way to where God wants us to go? In podcast Episode 271, John identifies values as the behavioral rumble strips of an organization.

We’ve all experienced rumble strips in our time as licensed drivers. You’re driving pleasantly along the highway enjoying an order of nice hot waffle fries that you just picked up from the Chick Fil A drive through. One falls in your lap, so you reach down to grab it, taking your eyes momentarily off the road. The next thing you know, the telltale sound and vibrations alert you to the fact your car is no longer exactly where it needs to be . . .  in the middle of the lane.

Biblical core values for your church work similarly, or at least they should work similarly. Consistent attention and adjustment to these “rumble strips” will keep you on track as you lead your local church in a manner consistent with the unique contribution (your vision) the Lord has called you to make to The Church (Capital C).

Adherence (or a lack of adherence) to our stated values shape the organizational culture of our church. Adherence lends to a healthy organizational culture, and a healthy culture provides the necessary fuel to achieve the vision.

Using values to shape church culture requires four elements:


Clearly articulating and reinforcing your org’s core values ensures everyone understands the behaviors behind each core value. Here are three questions to ask and then answer to help you bring clarity and power to values:

  • What does this value mean to us? Take time to give precise definition to the value. This first question speaks to clarity.
  • Why does this value matter? I mean, who cares, really? What happens if we don’t live out this value? What’s at risk? What happens if we do live out this value? What is there to gain? This question speaks to urgency.
  • What behaviors are behind this value? Take time to identify specific behaviors that demonstrate adherence to the value. For instance, one of Converge Coaching’s core values is “healthy work/rest rhythm.” What are a few specific behaviors behind that value . . . Taking a genuine sabbath day every week; pivoting well from work to our personal life; creating sufficient margin to be emotionally present at home, etc.
  • Teach the core values to the people you lead. Let’s suppose you have identified four core values. This can become a four-week series, taking one value each week and unpacking what it means, why it matters, and what behaviors are behind it.


Teaching core values is powerful. Modeling those values . . . even more powerful. People tend to emulate the behaviors and attitudes they observe in their leaders. As a leader, your everyday actions and attitudes relative to the core values are a powerful influence on the congregation’s adoption rate of said values.


What gets celebrated gets repeated. Celebration reinforces values-adoption. Celebrate by sharing testimonies of individuals or teams “caught” living out the values of the church. Celebrate milestones or achievements tied to the values in services or meetings.


Holding our staff and leaders accountable for living out the expressed values of the church helps solidify a culture where values are not just aspirational but actualized. Regularly evaluate by embedding values into performance reviews and ministry planning. Encourage small groups or teams to hold one another accountable to the values. And very importantly, address deviation from values in a loving but firm way to maintain integrity of your church’s culture.

When these four elements work together, they create a culture where values are deeply ingrained, and function as fuel to propel the church’s vision forward. If you’re struggling a bit with identifying and amplifying core values, Converge Coaching can help.