Is Emotional Fitness Overrated?

by | Feb 27, 2014 | Uncategorized

Love YourselfThis morning… 23 million Americans woke up suffering with clinical depression… 40 million with anxiety disorders. Staggering numbers. Depression and anxiety are becoming the top health issues worldwide. They cut across all lines of age, race, gender, and social status. They can happen to anyone.

The good news is that most people can get mentally and emotionally fit (or stay that way)… by adopting 4 practical behaviors. Here is the first one… Practicing self-love. Jesus said in Matthew 22:39 – “Love your neighbor as (in the same manner as) yourself.” (NIV). The question is: How do we practice self-love without becoming self-absorbed narcissists? Let me share a few ideas:

Use healthy self-talk
Self-talk is how we talk to ourselves about ourselves. Verbally assaulting yourself damages your emotional health… every time. Being kind to yourself with words enhances your emotional health… every time.

Understand self-love
Self-love is different than selfishness. Acts 20:28 says – “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers.” (NIV). The phrase “Keep watch” in the Greek language carries the idea of “paying attention to; devoting thought and effort to.” Self-love includes paying attention to others while at the same time devoting thought and effort to ourselves.

Uncover God’s point of view
Self-image gets a bad rap in many Christian circles. Psalm 139 helps us think the right way about it. It says you are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” This psalm teaches that He knows everything about you… but He loves you anyway. It reveals that God places high value on you… and that you’re never outside His thoughts!

Using healthy self-talk… understanding self-love… uncovering and embracing God’s point of view… these behaviors lay a deep foundation for mental and emotional health. And that foundation will help you in every area of your life.. your family… your work… your ministry. Emotional fitness is definitely not overrated. If you are suffering with depression or anxiety… make an appointment with your doctor. Work with a qualified counselor. And practice self-love.