by | Jun 14, 2022 | Leadership, Loss, Ministry Leader, Pain, Pastor, Podcast, Uncategorized

Several weeks ago, our teammate Jaime Hlavin wrote a powerful post on the subject of leading through personal pain. It’s a fact of leadership life . . . occasionally you have to lead even when you’re experiencing significant headwinds in your personal life. In today’s episode, John and Jim relay five master keys Jaime shared that help leaders who find themselves in the middle of a storm.

Here are the show notes:

5 master keys to leading through pain:

1. Ask for help

We leaders know how to care for others who are experiencing pain. It’s harder for most of us to receive care from others when we’re in pain. Galatians 6:2 instructs us as believers to “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

2. Find a safe person to confide in

When you’re in pain, be sure you have one or two safe people you can really pour your heart out to—either to just listen or to offer sound counsel.

3. Make time for spiritual growth

We all respond differently here, but when you’re in pain, avoid the temptation to neglect your quiet time with the Lord. You’ll need it more than ever.

4. Rest

Even when the rain storms are coming one after another, take moments to relax. The weight of the load you’re bearing will be tiring enough on its own, don’t add to it by neglecting adequate rest.

5. Fully experience the rain and the rainbow

Our lives will often be equal parts good and bad.” It’s possible to feel joy and sadness right on top of each other. It’s okay to be in touch with the good stuff while the bad is happening.

If you’re in a season of personal pain, and are looking for someone safe to process with, we’re here to serve you.

Rooting and praying for you,

John & Jim