by | Aug 23, 2022 | Calling, Emotional Health, Leadership, Longevity, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast

In today’s episode, John interviews Chip Judd, Care Pastor at Seacoast Church in South Carolina. This powerful conversation unpacks important insights into the call of God on a leader’s life, and the top challenges they face in a quickly changing culture.

Here are the show notes:

1. What are some ways God calls people into vocational ministry?

    • God plants the seed of what we’re going to do, our inherent gifting in life, while we’re in our mother’s womb.
    • Often other people this seed in us before we do.
    • Part of being a good leader is seeing the God-given greatness in people and calling it out of them. Also, helping them tailor a plan to develop that greatness.


2. As you view the current leadership landscape in the Church, what from your perspective are the top 2-3 challenges in the days ahead?

    • Not giving proper focus, attention, and strategy to the external environment as it changes. Above all, failure to pay attention to the internal environment and the needs that are not being addressed there. NOTE: We’re not in the same environment as we were in the 1970s and 1980s – i.e. – the tone of our message and how it is delivered.
    • Unresolved father/mother issues that create insecurities and overcompensating strategies to deal with those insecurities. These issues often manifest in competition and comparison. The good new? Solutions exist for our issues and insecurities.
    • Not knowing who or what is driving our agendas and schedules. Is it God . . . or our unhealed brokenness? All things considered, if it’s our unhealed brokenness, we’re trying to meet a right need with the wrong source