by | May 7, 2024 | Emotional Health, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Self-Awareness

Are younger male leaders, and female leaders more emotionally aware than their older male

leader counterparts?

In today’s episode we welcome back our friend, Josh Spurlock for Part 2 of our conversation

focusing on how the way our personal world impacts our ministry world, and how leading with a

limp makes a leader easier to follow, and the generational and gender nuances of pastoral



Barna State of Pastors Report 2023

Quote 1: “It seems that pastors’ confidence in their ministry role is closely linked with their personal health.” How does that linkage work?

  • Our personal world impacts our ministry world.
  • Effective ministry flows out of personal health.
  • Confidence based on resilience.
  • People find it easier to follow a leader who leads with a “limp.”

Quote 2: “In 2015, 72% of pastors said they felt very satisfied with their role as a pastor. In 2022, just 52% said they were very satisfied. In 2023, 59% reported feeling very satisfied.” Is 59% as good as it gets? Can we do better? If so, what do we need to do to realize further gains?

  • We shouldn’t settle for 59%.
  • Making gains is a multifaceted solution:
    • Generational pieces.
    • Gender pieces.

Quote 3: “Younger leaders (44 and under) and women leaders struggle with job satisfaction, mental and emotional wellbeing more than male leaders over 45.” Does this seem accurate? What is this telling us?

  • Younger males, female leaders are more emotionally aware than their older male counterparts.

NOTE: If you would like to reach out to Josh’s organization for help, you can find it here: https://mycounselor.online/

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