Leading From Alignment Episode 268 – John’s Four Biggest Aha’s of 2024
In the first episode of 2025, John and Jim unpack the four biggest lessons John learned in 2024. We hope these four “aha moments” will inspire, encourage, and challenge you.
Aha 1: The ministry I lead wasn’t my idea, isn’t my baby, and no matter what happens, God has my best interests in mind
- 2024 was a great year . . . and right in parallel, it was a hard year, due primarily to a lot of change.
- The ministry you lead wasn’t your idea it was God’s. It’s not your baby, it’s His. And whether it prospers or it doesn’t, He has your very best interests in mind.
Aha 2: Pain is my greatest teacher
- The lessons learned from pain are indelible. And they are often transformative if we cooperate with God.
- Let your current pain be your greatest teacher. You will learn things you cannot learn any other way.
Aha 3: Not everything I try is going to work . . . and that is okay!
- Experiments don’t always work. That is why we call them experiments.
- Experiments that don’t work out often bring clarity to you, your team, and your organization.
Aha 4: I’m a son, who is perfectly loved by the Father . . . with me, He is well pleased
- Identity – My core identity is that I’m an adopted son of my Heavenly Father
- Affection – I am loved perfectly, completely, immeasurably, unconditionally, and based on covenant not contract.
- Affirmation/Acceptance – Father God delights, rejoices, sings over me with joy. Through the power of Jesus blood, my sins have been erased as though they never happened.