In the past two episodes we focused on vision development and vision-casting. Vision answers the question, where? Today we begin another two-part conversation on the irreplaceable role core values play. Core values answer the question, how? How do we behave on our way to where God is telling us to go?
Getting our arms around values:
Understand what they are not:
- Aspirational.
- Permission to play.
- Core values are organizational differentiators.
How to identify core values:
- Jenni Catron: “What do we look like when we are at our best organizationally? Is this trait inherent and natural for us?”
- If you could clone anyone in the organization you lead, who would that be?
- Are we more committed to this value than most other orgs who do what we do?
How to amplify core values:
- What does each value mean?
- Why does it matter? What is there to gain if we behave this way? What is there to lose if we do not?
- What specific behaviors are behind each value?
- Answering these three questions creates clarity, a sense of urgency, and a common language for the organization you lead.