by | Mar 11, 2025 | Hurry, Identity, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor


Hurrying seems to be our national pastime. And pastors are among the biggest hurry-ers.

The question is—how do we deal with the tension between our God-given assignment and His call to stop hurrying? How can we be productive without always being on the move?


Four Ideas:


Understand and embrace your true identity

  • You are not what you do, you are who you belong to.
  • Luke 3:21 – What you do for Jesus is not your core identity, it’s your peripheral identity – Dick Brogden.


Understand your limitations

  • God created us with limitations on purpose.
  • John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain (unhurried lingering) in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
  • God’s math is different than ours. Using His math, we can get more work done in six days than in seven. Ninety percent of our money goes farther than 100%. Paul said in my weakness – in my limitations—God shows Himself strong.
  • Get realistic about your schedule. Your task list.


Understand first love

  • 2:2-4: “I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance…yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love.”
  • Hurriedness competes with love. And often, hurriedness wins.


Understand the unhurried life brings long-lasting results

  • Unhurried time with God and people = energy, ideas, and solutions we could never dream up on our own.
  • God shows us how to tackle challenges when we wait patiently in His presence.


A hurried life is a harried life. If you are always hustling and hurrying . . .  SLOW DOWN.