by | May 18, 2021 | Fatigue, Leadership, Longevity, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast

As the virus rages on here in Michigan, the impact on churches and their leaders has been heavy in many places. We hear from leaders who are hanging in there, but some are hanging by a thread.

So I thought it would be good today to rap about some practical ways leaders can develop resilience. The word resilient is defined as being capable of withstanding shock without permanent rupture. In other words, the ability to bounce back.

So I’d like us to look at three things leaders can do to help them bounce back in these most difficult of times, especially our friends here in Michigan.

1. Go deeper

Challenging times call for forcing our roots deeper into Christ. We’re not pastors first who happen to love God. We’re lovers of God first who happen to pastor. Go deeper in your walk with God. It will help you develop resilience.

2. Run smarter

It’s hard to be resilient when you’re exhausted physically, or mentally, or emotionally. Resilience is built over time by leaders who steward their physical, mental, and emotional resources with care.

3. Reach wider

Resilience grows in the company of friends who both encourage you and challenge you. Resilience leaks when we’re isolated. The pandemic has made it harder to reach wider. Some leaders use it as an excuse to hibernate. Covid requires us to get creative here.

So to all who listening or viewing today – we care about what’s happening in your life. We want you to develop resilience. We think it’s becoming a must-have quality both now and for the foreseeable future.