by | Nov 7, 2023 | Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Worship Pastor

In today’s episode we continue with Part 2 of our compelling conversation with Shannon Shaffer, worship pastor at Auburn Hills Christian Center. We explore the personal and public components of worship leading, the traits of an effective worship leader, and how worship leaders can avoid the age-old trap the devil often sets for them.

  • What is God up to with worship these days? Where does He seem to be taking you as a leader?
    • God is seeking true worshipers. That has never changed.
    • He is leading me to build a stronger structure—both personally (growing my inner life)—and professionally (building stronger systems) in preparation for a harvest of souls.
    • God is calling us to return to a throne-room posture of worship to remind us once again of His holiness.
  • What are the marks of a “good worship leader?”
    • Character – a believer who has been well-discipled.
    • A worshiper themselves – in both their private and public lives.
    • A strong inner life.
  • Jeremy Riddle in his book, The Reset, makes the following statement: “I’ve observed when people become increasingly pulled into the tractor beam of someone’s personal charisma, and when that leader begins to feed on that, they begin to lead people into intimacy with themselves instead of intimacy with Jesus.” What are your thoughts on this statement? How does a worship leader deal with this reality?
    • This is the play the devil has made for thousands of years – “look at me instead look at Jesus!”
    • Be aware of this trap.
    • Intentionally promote Jesus as the center of attraction.
  • When you look down the road a few years, what are your hopes for the ministry of worship in and through the Church?
    • A harvest.
    • The ability to impart sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
    • That one day we will lose track of time during worship.
    • The power of the Holy Spirit is present in every worship service.