by | Jul 23, 2024 | Discernment, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor

Discouragement is the universal experience of leadership. Extended seasons of discouragement can cause leaders to doubt their calling, capability, and value. Some leaders even prematurely exit ministry due to a growing sense of hopelessness. In today’s episode John and Jim unpack four master keys to beating this unwelcome trouble of all leaders.


Some seasons are plain hard. Some seasons are plain awesome. Most seasons are a mixture of the two.


Four master keys to beating discouragement:

  • Take the long view

When a lousy day, week, or month happens, when people disappoint you, when you disappoint you, keep running your race. Discouragement may be proof you’re on a path the devil is worried about.

  • Take the rear view

Take a step back and look at how far you have come. Celebrate your progress.

I do better in discouraging moments when I open my prayer journal and read entries describing how God has answered prayers or provided miraculously.

  • Take the upward view

You are not fulfilling your calling alone. God is with you. For you. And He loves you fully. Look for what God might be trying to teach you in the challenging seasons. Remember your name is written in the book of life. Everything else is gravy.

  • Take the side view

When discouragement darkens your door and you can’t shake it, call on trusted friends to come alongside you. Find a coach. The devil wants to isolate you so he can crush you. Don’t play his game. Try community instead.


Elijah and John the Baptist had incredible callings. God used them powerfully to influence people. And they both experienced occasional bouts of significant discouragement.

If you are suffering similarly today, you’re in good company. Take the long view, the rear view, the upward view, and the side view. And you will put discouragement where it belongs—under your feet.