by | Sep 3, 2024 | Hiring, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor

Over the past few weeks, more than a dozen pastors have reported to us they are trying to add staff. They have the budget for it but are finding the talent pool shallow. Some have been trying for eighteen months or more to fill a position with no movement. It is our sense that churches . . . increasingly . . . will need to grow their own staff. Today’s episode is the first in a series of three podcasts dedicated to the idea of staffing your church from within.


Jim, where did you first come visualize this idea?

  • I didn’t know any other way. Phoenix First Assembly/Tommy Barnett/Master’s Commission was the impetus.
  • We developed Freedom Center Academy . . . a ministry “trade school” of sorts.
  • We believe everyone has greatness in them. We started asking the right questions to mine for that greatness.

You started with this idea as a youth pastor. How did it land with students?

  • It was the basis for our youth ministry. We called ourselves The M.U.D. Club (Missionaries Under Development).
  • The students responded beautifully.

Tell us about how this has worked at Freedom Center in Fenton

  • Our whole staff came from the pews (17 years)
  • Everyone is asked to train their replacement every year.
  • We promote from within
  • Our average staff tenure is 10-15 years because there is room in the organization for change from one season to another.

What are the basic/foundational thoughts for our listeners to apply?

  • Everyone has a “Why.”
  • Our job is to be gold miners.
  • Believing in God is almost universal but believing God believes in people is rare. We are not gate keepers. We are fathers and mothers.


*Upcoming R2R Cohort launching September 17: https://convergecoach.com/cohorts/

Space is limited to the first ten registrants.