Life’s Not Fair… And I’m Glad

by | Dec 18, 2014 | Uncategorized

Joseph, the step-father of Jesus, is one of the most interesting people in the Christmas story. He was both a righteous and kind man. An excellent and rare combination. When he learned of Mary’s pregnancy, he did not want to disgrace her publicly… so he planned to quietly break things off with her.

Do you ever wonder what was happening in Joseph’s head right then? Maybe thoughts like this: “You know God, I’ve always tried to do the right thing. I’ve been kind to people. I’ve paid my dues… and now this?” Mary’s pregnancy turned his life plans on their head. Maybe Joseph thought “life’s not fair.”

Those words have crossed my mind and lips before. How about you? “Life’s not fair.” When we think or say that, we usually refer to good things we believe we deserve… but don’t get.

Here’s a truth I discovered a while ago… sometime’s life’s unfairness works in our favor. Let me explain…

When we surrender our life to Jesus, He takes all of our sin and nastiness… and in its place we receive forgiveness, healing, eternity in heaven. That’s an unfair exchange… but I’m glad it is. When we disobey our heavenly Father… or act immaturely… or rebel and go our own way… if life was fair… He’d cut us loose for good. But in those moments He keeps on reaching to us, even when we ignore Him. Once again, I’m glad life’s not fair.

Unfairness can work against us. But many times it works in our favor. We often receive more than we deserve… love, forgiveness, the good will of family and friends. The outward unfairness of Joseph’s situation ultimately worked in his favor… he had the privilege of parenting the Son of God.

The next time we’re tempted to complain about life’s unfair moments… let’s remember Joseph… and thank God that life is unfair… for it was always fair… if we always got what we really deserved… you and I probably wouldn’t be here today.

Merry Christmas to you all! See you again in January!