by | Mar 23, 2023 | Emotional Health, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Relationships

Last week took a deep dive into Choice #4 in John Opalewski’s book Unshakable You: 5 Choices of Emotionally Healthy People. We spent a great deal of time learning how to refuel emotionally. We will finish unpacking this choice today.

In last week’s post, we focused solely on what it looks like to monitor our pace in the quest to emotionally refuel. There are two more keys in choosing to refill our tank.


Pay attention to personal relationships

The day-to-day grind of work combined with all the other things you are responsible for in life can leave you feeling worn out and too tired for the incredibly important work of friendship development.

I’ve heard it jokingly said that one of the biggest miracles of Jesus’s ministry is that he was in his 30s and had a circle of 12 friends. Studies show that by the time most people reach the age of 30, their friendship group diminishes significantly. We must do better to fight against this tendency.  You and I were wired by God for friendship.

We obtain a better emotional return in life when we’re linked up with other like-minded individuals. So, intentionally making time to pour into life-giving friendships on a regular basis will help keep you emotionally healthy.


Develop an emotional maintenance plan

We often maintain better care of our cars than we do our own emotions. Regular oil changes and tire rotation prolong the life of our vehicles. Be sure to implement a plan that will increase the longevity of your emotional life as well. A few of these items can include:

  • Laughter – Proverbs 17:22 states, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Scientific research indicates that laughter releases mood-elevating endorphins. Therefore, laughter is physically and emotionally good for us. Be sure to regularly insert joy, humor, and fun into your life.
  • Exercise – Physical activity helps us burn off nervous energy and lowers stress levels. It releases endorphins as well. Incorporate exercise into your maintenance plan. You don’t have to be a gym rat to get the benefit—2-3 times per week of moderate exercise will really help.
  • Healthy Distraction – At first this one may sound confusing. Why do I periodically need a bit of distraction to maintain my emotional health? Well, we aren’t created to be on high-alert and operating at full capacity all the time. It’s good to insert some activity into our schedules that in the grand scheme of things, isn’t that important. Plant some flowers in your garden. Read a science fiction novel. Take a walk on the beach. Add activities that calm your mind and your life.


Refueling emotionally is a crucial choice in maintaining emotional health. Take a moment to say out loud: I choose to refuel emotionally.

Again, keep in mind, a physician, or a coach, and even a professional counselor are vital components in this process as well. If you are experiencing depression or significantly poor emotional health, do not hesitate to connect with your doctor or other medical professional.

Next week, we wrap up Unshakable You: 5 Choices of Emotionally Healthy People.


As always, we are rooting and praying for you!

John & Jaime