Feb 25, 2025 | Leadership, Ministry Leader, Overworking, Pastor, Pivot, Time Management, Work
One of the hardest things to do for most lead pastors is to separate from work. We know this from personal experience. We’ve had to work hard as lead pastors to shut off work once we arrived at home. Failure to pivot leads to overscheduling, overcommitting, and...
Dec 10, 2024 | Leadership, Ministry Leader, Overworking, Pastor, Rest, Rhythms
In 1900, the Ford Motor Company commissioned a series of tests to determine how long a workweek should be to optimize productivity. Ford discovered the “sweet spot” was 40 hours per week. If you are a pastor, a 40-hour work week is likely a pipe dream. But the...
Oct 10, 2024 | Busyness, Distraction, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Overworking, Pastor, Spirituality
In his book, The Emotionally Healthy Leader, Peter Scazzero focuses on the importance of cultivating a strong inner life. As a pastor, author, and the founder of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, he contends doing so will transform the church, organization, and teams...