Mar 4, 2025 | Core Values, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Temptations, Values, Vision
Leadership is a journey fraught with peril. Numerous temptations lurk. In today’s episode John and Jim explore three less talked about, more subtle temptations that threaten to sneak up on and ambush a leader. 3 Leadership Temptations: Wanting everyone to like us....
Feb 13, 2025 | Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Values
In our last post two weeks ago, we unpacked why vision. What it is, why it matters, along with several pointers on how to get started. Once you gain vision clarity for the church you lead (that process could take 6 months or more), it’s our belief the next hill to...
Feb 4, 2025 | Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Values
Last week we began a two-part conversation on the irreplaceable role core values play. Core values answer the question, how. How do we behave on our way to the end zone? Core values provide the fuel that thrusts our organization toward its God-given vision. In today’s...
Jan 31, 2023 | Core Values, Culture, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Values
A church or a business won’t get to their end zone without fuel—the culture created by meaningful values provides that fuel. Core values are behaviors. If vision answers the question where, values answer the question how. How do we behave around here? You can listen...
Jan 26, 2023 | Ministry Leader, Pastor, Values, Vision
In last week’s post we explored the subject, Why Vision? We talked about the magnetic power vision exerts on an organization, and how to begin imagining a vision and then casting it. Vision is about destination. In football terms, it’s about the end zone. Today I want...
May 31, 2022 | Culture, Decision-making, Hiring, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Values
Hiring from within has many advantages. But it’s not always possible. When hiring from the outside, a well-thought-out approach reduces your risk. In today’s episode, John and Jim explore three keys that help you make better hiring decisions. Here are the show notes:...