by | Apr 12, 2022 | Burnout, Depression, Emotional Health, Leadership, Longevity, Mental Health, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Rest, Sabbath

In today’s episode we welcome back Josh Spurlock to the podcast. In part two of our interview, we explore how to humanize the role of pastor and how a leader can get/stay healthy as they begin to dream, strategize, and grow again.

Here are the show notes:

  1. Josh, you often talk about humanizing the role of pastor. What does that mean, and how does a leader take practical steps to accomplish that?
    • We have to pay attention to pain. Get curious about what the pain might be alerting you to.
    • Becoming okay with unanswered questions.
    • Understand the healthy use of self-disclosure vs. venting.
      • Will it benefit the audience? Or is this self-disclosure benefitting me only?
      • Only share pieces publicly that you’ve done some work on privately with your counselor or close friends first.
      • Don’t invite people into your anger and/or confusion.
  1. How does a leader get more comfortable with disappointing people’s expectations?
    • Jesus is a great example to follow – He disappointed a lot of people.
    • Jesus tried to let those closest to Him know that in some ways, He wouldn’t meet their expectations.
    • Process the idea with those closest to you who are safe.
    • Stop pretending it doesn’t bother us when we disappoint people. It can hurt and be scary.
  1. During the past two years we’ve been working with pastors to stay healthy while navigating a pandemic. How do we help them get/stay healthy as they begin to dream, strategize, and see growth again?
    • We need a calendar for our self-care and sabbath.
    • Be as intentional with planning our days off and rest, as we are with planning our work.
    • Are there people holding me accountable calendar-wise?
    • Think more deeply about rest.