Feb 10, 2022 | Anger, Anxiety, Bitterness, Depression, Emotional Health, Forgiveness, Mental Health, Uncategorized
This is our second segment on the subject of the mental and emotional health. It’s February and in many regions of North America, Seasonal Affective Disorder is in full swing, so we thought it would be good to do four weeks of blogs specifically focused on mental and...
Oct 28, 2021 | Anger, Bitterness, Difficult people, Emotional Health, Forgiveness, Pastor, Relationships
Relationships can be messy, can’t they? In Acts 13:13 we read the following: “From Paphos, Paul and his companions sailed to Perga in Pamphylia, where John (Mark) left them to return to Jerusalem.” We learn later on in Acts this departure caused Paul a lot of...
Jun 3, 2021 | Anger, Anxiety, Assertiveness, Bitterness, Emotional Health, Forgiveness, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Uncategorized
Anger is ‘in.” Being outraged, upset—and vocal about it—has been with us since the beginning of the human race. But doesn’t it seem like today more people than ever are outwardly angry about something? Anger has almost become chic. Anger can be used for good. It...
Jan 16, 2020 | Difficult people, Family, Forgiveness, friendship, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Relationships, Uncategorized
It was the 2nd evening of 2020, I was sitting with a bowl of popcorn on my lap, watching a football game, and enjoying life. A pretty uneventful night. Woke up on Day 3 of 2020 with tooth pain. I thought, “just tooth sensitivity, no big deal.” Day 4 of 2020, the pain...
Jun 27, 2019 | Anger, Anxiety, Assertiveness, Depression, Difficult people, Forgiveness, Relationships
We live in an increasingly angry world. If you don’t believe me, drive during rush hour in any major city in the U.S. Or watch cable news for thirty minutes. You’ll be convinced. Anger is a human emotion common to all of us. It says: “You’ve taken something from me,...
Jul 19, 2018 | Abuse, Anger, Bitterness, Depression, Difficult people, Disappointment, discouragement, Emotional Health, Family, Forgiveness, friendship, Loneliness, Relationships, Stress
“Lord, I’m hurting this morning.” Ever prayed that prayer before, or some version of it? I’m not talking about physical pain here—rather, about emotional pain. Especially the variety that issues from disappointing relationships. You know, the kind of pain that feels...