Jun 13, 2023 | Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Success
We live in a world where success is idolized and so-called shortcuts to success abound. If we are not careful as leaders, we can find ourselves frustrated, confused, overwhelmed, and maybe even burned out by the relentless pursuit of success. In today’s episode John...
Jun 8, 2023 | Calling, Identity, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor
Today we welcome Rachael Jenneman to the blog. Rachael is the author of an outstanding book, The Real War on Women: Overcoming Culture’s Lies to Freely Live Out Your God-Given Purpose. If you are a woman with leadership responsibility and calling, you will love...
Jun 6, 2023 | Failure, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor
John grew up in an environment where failure was embarrassing, hidden from, and often considered fatal. Failure was the enemy. Today’s episode focuses on reframing failure and why it matters so much. Listen to the audio version here. Video version is here....
Jun 1, 2023 | Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Pastor's Spouse
In today’s post Jaime Hlavin zeroes in on the life of a pastor’s spouse . . . its joys, challenges, along with a bit of expert advice on how to navigate a role that has no clear “job description” in Scripture. Enjoy ~ John. In early May, I had the privilege of leading...
May 30, 2023 | Health, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, The Church
In today’s episode we welcome Karl Vaters back to the mic for Part 2 of our conversation around what it takes to have a vibrant, healthy church—regardless of its size. You can listen to the podcast here. Here is the video version. Small is not a problem,...
May 25, 2023 | Hunger, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Surrender, Teachability
Unless you live under a rock, you are likely aware of the revival that broke out at Asbury College in Wilmore Kentucky. We are so incredibly grateful for what God is doing not just at Asbury but also at college campuses across our country. At both Christian and...