Jul 9, 2015 | Anger, Contentment, Family, Leadership, Marriage, Productivity, Relationships, Rest, Stress, Uncategorized
Rachel Macy Stafford, a New York Times bestselling author, relays the following personal story about hurry. “My thoughts and actions were controlled by electronic notifications, ring tones, and jam-packed agendas. And although every fiber of my inner drill sergeant...
Jun 25, 2015 | Anger, character, Contentment, Leadership, Productivity, Relationships, Stress, Uncategorized
When one of my boys was 12 years old he announced that he was “retiring” from soccer. His 2-year AYSO career was officially over. He was hanging up the soccer cleats for good. Maybe you’ve heard the axiom “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” But I...
Jun 4, 2015 | Anger, character, Contentment, Leadership, Productivity, Relationships, Rest, Stress
Do you ever arrive at mid-afternoon and feel like your brain has turned to jello? Your gray matter is sucking air and running on fumes? You feel this inner urge to slow down… but suffer guilt because of the pile of work on your desk? Laura and I recently concluded a...
Apr 23, 2015 | Depression, Leadership, Productivity, Rest, Stress
In 1900, the Ford Motor Company commissioned a series of tests to determine how long a workweek should be to optimize productivity. Ford discovered the “sweet spot” was 40 hours per week. Sara Robinson, in her article Bring Back the 40 hour work week,...
Feb 19, 2015 | Anger, Career, Depression, Family, Leadership, Productivity, Relationships, Rest, Uncategorized
When I ask pastors about their day off, I’m often greeted with a blank stare followed by uncomfortable mumbling. Some report they haven’t taken a day off in years. And even worse, a few of them are proud of it. They wear their busyness as a badge of honor....