by | Jun 7, 2022 | Health, Leadership, Longevity, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Productivity, Work

How do we deal with the tension between our task list and God’s invitation to stop hurrying? How can we be productive without being always on the move? In today’s episode, John & Jim unpack three ways eliminate hurry from your life and still be productive at work.

Here are the show notes:

Rachel Macy Stafford, a New York Times bestselling author, relays the following personal story about hurry.  “My thoughts and actions were controlled by electronic notifications, ring tones, and jam-packed agendas. And although every fiber of my inner drill sergeant wanted to be on time to every activity on my overcommitted schedule, I wasn’t. You see, six years ago I was blessed with a laid-back, carefree, stop-and-smell-the roses type of child.”

“When I needed to be out the door, she was taking her sweet time picking out a purse and a glittery crown. When I needed to be somewhere five minutes ago, she insisted on buckling her stuffed animal into a car seat. When I needed to grab a quick lunch at Subway, she’d stop to speak to the elderly woman who looked like her grandma. When I had 30 minutes to get in a run, she wanted me to stop the stroller and pet every dog we passed.”

Three keys to reducing the “hurry” in your life:

Understand limitations

John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”  Nothing? According to Jesus . . . yes. Every good thing in your life is a gift from God, whether you acknowledge it or not.

Understand first love

Rev. 2:2-4: It’s scary when we discover we can do the right things… but lose our love for Jesus at the same time. Hurriedness competes with love. And often, hurriedness wins.

Understand leverage

Unhurried time with God and with people produces energy, ideas, and solutions that we could never dream up on our own. God shows us how to tackle challenges when we wait patiently in His presence. When we collaborate with like-minded people, creativity multiplies.

The hurried life is a harried life.