In episode 263 we discussed the seconding leading contributor to pastoral burnout . . . isolation. In today’s episode, we consider the top contributor: The ongoing and immense stress of the role. Stress comes with the pastoral assignment, so what is a leader to do?
Three Big Ideas:
Big Idea 1: Ownership
- Pastor, you own the management of stress in your life.
Big Idea 2: Network
- We own stress management in our life, we manage it best with healthy relationships.
Big Idea 3: Rhythms
- Effective stress management includes an integrated set of rhythms.
Five Practical Behaviors:
PB1: Go Deeper
- Luke 3:21-22 – Become convinced of your real identity.
- He loves you perfectly/completely/unconditionally, and . . . He is well-pleased with you.
PB2: Get Fitter
- James Blumenthal: “50 minutes of exercise a week reduces your chances of suffering with depression by 50%.”
PB3: Integrate Your Thoughts & Emotions
- The more our thoughts, and the emotions we attach to them, integrate with the truth, the better we manage the stress life and leadership throw at us.
PB 4: Reach Wider
- You and I will struggle with stress if we insist on functioning in a relational vacuum.
PB5: Run Smarter
- Work is a gift from God – laziness and workaholism are perversions of that gift. Both create a bad variety of stress.