by | Aug 24, 2017 | Burnout, Calling, Growth, Leadership, Productivity, Uncategorized, Work

One of the more important puzzles a leader will ever solve is: How can I get more out of my team. . .  without killing them?

Unmercifully squeezing as much as possible out of team members until they burn out is not good leadership. Manipulating or coercing your team to get them to produce is not good leadership. Bullying your staff is not only a short-sighted way to lead; it also flies in the face of how Jesus led people. These abusive and unhealthy approaches eventually will blow up in your face.

So: how can you lead your team to produce without killing them? How can you get more from your staff without grinding them into a fine powder? I think the solution may be when you—the leader—answer the following four questions your team members have. Answering these four questions will help any leader get more out of their team, whether you lead in the church world or in the marketplace.

They need to know why

When my boys were little, they would ask me why about everything. From cleaning their rooms, to taking out the trash, picking up Legos, and washing dishes, the question “why?” was their mantra. One of the greatest contributors to sustained team productivity is a clear and compelling answer to the question: “why?” A well-thought out vision answers the questions: “Why are we here?” “Why do we do what we do?” Vision keeps you and your team focused. It reduces wasted motion. It gives your team a reason to get out of bed every morning.

Casting a mouthwatering vision for the team you lead may be your most important leadership role. A great answer to “why?” taps something deep within your associates that motivates them to roll up their sleeves and work.

They need to know what

Ever wonder: “Why isn’t my team getting more done?” Laziness? Perhaps. Lack of skill? Maybe. Attitude issues? Could be. But I wonder if their low level of production has another source: confusion. It’s easy to assume your team knows what you want from them. . . often times they don’t. Here are some what-questions you need to answer for them to help with clarity: What is their specific role? What are their objectives? Are those objectives in writing? What happens when they achieve their objectives and what happens when they don’t? What does success look like?

Don’t assume your team knows what you want—tell them, write it down, and make sure they understand. Then hold them to it. I’m 100% in favor of accountability flavored with a firm but gentle flair. You can hold your team accountable without being a jerk.

They need to know how

A college degree doesn’t guarantee your staff member knows how to execute his or her role. The marketplace and church landscapes are changing so fast, often your teammates are learning while they work and adapting on the fly. Continuous learning is not a luxury, it’s essential. You’ll get more from your team by making room for educational opportunities.

You as a leader will provide some of the education. Other organizations will provide some of the education. Some of the education will be self-directed. Regardless of the source, funding opportunities for ongoing learning helps your team stay fresh. Making room for your team to glean from others who do what they do will pay off.

They need to know when

Your staff needs you to work collaboratively with them to stamp due dates on their assignments. I don’t understand why we allow team members to get away with missing deadlines. Leader, if you struggle with this, it’s time to do some soul-searching to figure out why. What’s preventing you from planting a stake in the ground when it comes to timelines?

It’s not in your best interest, nor in the organization’s best interest, to allow your staff to get away with letting things slide. It’s not even in the staff members’ best interests. When due dates mean nothing, everybody loses.  After every staff meeting, do a quick review of who owns what, and confirm when it’s due. This five-minute exercise will increase your team’s productivity immensely.


If your staff is struggling with getting things done, perhaps they need answers to why, what, how, and when.

You may be thinking: “Getting more out of my team without killing them sounds like a lot of work.” Right on bro. Who ever said leading a team was easy? It requires you to answer why—what—how—and when—on a regular basis. The better you get at answering those four questions, the more you’ll get out of your team. And the less likely you’ll kill them in the process.

I’m rooting and praying for you!