by | Jan 19, 2017 | Career, character, Fear, Productivity, Uncategorized, Work

A bulletproof vest helps absorb the impact of bullets and shrapnel. Its purpose is to keep these kinds of ammo from penetrating  a person’s body. These vests don’t guarantee survival when we’re getting shot at, but greatly increase our chances coming out alive. While the vast majority of us will never get a physical bullet fired toward us at work (unless you’re a soldier or a policeman), projectiles get lobbed at us that threaten our career: outsourcing, economic downturns, competition, colleagues who try to undermine you or throw you under the bus. On a couple of occasions, my job in the corporate world was threatened by a peer with a burr in their saddle. I confess the title of this blog is a bit misleading. Bullet-proof job security may be unattainable. But it’s possible to minimize the risk of getting canned. Here are four behaviors that will protect you from workplace bullets:

Act like an owner

Own the clock. Arrive at work when you’re supposed to. (Not deep stuff here, but it’s surprising how many employees struggle with this.)  When you get to work, manage your time like a pro. Be productive.

Own your attitude… because honestly… no one owns it except you. A joyful, abundance-based attitude makes you easier to work with, and it helps you stand out in the crowd.

Own your assignments. A while back I had a direct report who was an A-player. She possessed an uncanny ability to assume responsibility for assignments. Once I gave her a project, I knew I wouldn’t have to think about it again. Her sense of ownership gave me confidence the job would get done well and on time. Look at your own work history. Does your manager have the same confidence in you? The more you act like an owner, the more you bullet-proof your job.

Be a sponge

Embrace opportunities for continuing education. Enhance your skill set. View constructive criticism as an opportunity to learn. It’s easy to get defensive when your boss (or a peer) points out areas where you need to improve. Instead of bristling, choose the posture of a humble student. Reluctance to grow and learn makes your job less secure. Proverbs 12:1 is pretty blunt: “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.”  Even if you’re already talented at what you do, stay open to suggestions, ideas, and yes—even legitimate criticism.

Master the basics

Play nice with your colleagues. Of the employees I’ve had to fire in the past, most of them lost their jobs not due to a lack of talent, but because they couldn’t (or wouldn’t) work cohesively with their peers.

Do the right thing. Proverbs tells us: “A man of integrity walks securely…” Integrity means our video matches our audio. Our video (the way we behave) should lead, and our audio (the way we talk) should support it. Doing the right thing will almost always increase your stature among workmates and management.

Commit yourself to excellence. Excellence isn’t perfection. Excellence is giving your best effort every time. Colossians 3:23-24 says: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Bring solutions

Instead of coming up with a hundred reasons why something can’t be done, use the same brain power to creatively bring ideas, solutions, energy, and optimism to the table. You were brought on the bus to help solve problems, not just point them out. Make it your goal to not bring an issue to your boss’s attention unless you’ve thought about one or more ways to address the challenge. Solutions-orientation; a can-do spirit, relentless optimism—these increase the strength of your bullet-proof work vest.

Want to make your job less susceptible to the bullets flying around at work? Focusing on these four basic behaviors will do the trick. Consistently acting like an owner, being a learning sponge, mastering the basics, and bringing solutions will increase your chances of job security, promotion, and pay increase. There’s no guarantee these four will make you bullet-proof. But they definitely tilt the playing field in your favor.

I’m rooting and praying for you!