Mar 4, 2025 | Core Values, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Temptations, Values, Vision
Leadership is a journey fraught with peril. Numerous temptations lurk. In today’s episode John and Jim explore three less talked about, more subtle temptations that threaten to sneak up on and ambush a leader. 3 Leadership Temptations: Wanting everyone to like us....
Jan 28, 2025 | Core Values, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor
In the past two episodes we focused on vision development and vision-casting. Vision answers the question, where? Today we begin another two-part conversation on the irreplaceable role core values play. Core values answer the question, how? How do we behave on our way...
Aug 15, 2023 | Core Values, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor
As we approach our 200th episode, we thought it might be fun to re-release our most popular five podcasts. Today’s episode is our first most listened to and watched episode: Shaping the Culture You Need. Culture is fuel. You can craft an amazing vision, have a...
Jan 31, 2023 | Core Values, Culture, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Values
A church or a business won’t get to their end zone without fuel—the culture created by meaningful values provides that fuel. Core values are behaviors. If vision answers the question where, values answer the question how. How do we behave around here? You can listen...
Jun 16, 2022 | Assignment, Core Values, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Productivity, Uncategorized, Work
In 2 Chronicles 23, King Jehoida was giving instructions to his army, the priests, and the Levites about protecting about the temple of the Lord, who was allowed to enter it and who was not. And verse 6 says: “… all the other men are to guard what the Lord...
Apr 28, 2022 | Alignment, Clarity, Core Values, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, People Leaving, Playbook, Uncategorized, Vision
Leading an organization is invigorating, an honor, a privilege, a huge responsibility . . . and at the same time, often fraught with peril. Hidden traps exist that threaten to at a minimum, derail a leader, or worse, take him or her out. Here are three of the most...