Jul 13, 2021 | Burnout, Emotional Health, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Leadership, Longevity, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Uncategorized, Workaholism
One of the hardest things to do for most lead pastors is to separate from work. Pivoting from their professional life to their private life. A Barna research study of 14,000 U.S. lead pastors, published in January 2017, reported that 37% of lead pastors are at medium...
Jul 8, 2021 | Discipleship, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Uncategorized
Digital church . . . friend or foe? We talk with a lot of pastors, and a vast range of opinions exist on the subject of online/digital church vs. in-person/physical gatherings. Some leaders have fully bought into digital; others resent having to deal with it at all;...
Jul 6, 2021 | Calling, Leading Yourself, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Uncategorized
Leadership possesses the uncanny capacity to keep us busy with work that gets us off-mission. On today’s episode we’re going to talk about three practical ways to manage what God’s given us to do so one day we can hear, “well done, good and faithful servant.” 1...
Jul 1, 2021 | engagement, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Productivity, Team Building, Uncategorized
Your team is the most important asset in the organization you lead. But that’s true only when they are engaged. In 2017, according to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report, only 15% of employees worldwide were engaged at work. By engaged, Gallup means...
Jun 29, 2021 | Core Values, Culture, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Uncategorized
Welcome to Part 2 of our conversation on the subject Shaping the Culture You Need. You can craft an amazing vision, have a dynamic playbook, but only a healthy culture provides the fuel for that vision and playbook to become reality. Today’s pod unpacks a practical...
Jun 17, 2021 | Burnout, Calling, Depression, Emotional Health, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Finishing Well, Health, Leadership, Longevity, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Productivity, Uncategorized, Workaholism
One of the hardest things to do for most lead pastors is to separate from work. Pivoting from their professional life to their private life. I know this from personal experience. I had to work really hard as a lead pastor to shut off work once I entered our home....