Dec 13, 2018 | Christmas, Family, Grandparents, Relationships, Uncategorized
Christmas was magical to me as a kid. The fresh-cut pine tree loaded with lights and ornaments; piles of snow outside; Charlie Brown and The Grinch Christmas specials; holiday kielbasa and raspberry cream pies; family gatherings; opening gifts; no school for two...
Nov 29, 2018 | friendship, Leadership, Loneliness, Relationships, Uncategorized
We live in a world that is more connected technologically than any time in history. But I wonder if our technology prowess has resulted in us being lonelier than any time in history? In the Garden of Eden, shortly after creating Adam from the dust of the earth, God...
Nov 21, 2018 | Contentment, Family, Gratefulness, Thanksgiving, Uncategorized
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day! I’ve heard business and psychology gurus pitch the idea that we can think our way to a better life. Their premise? Our brain is soft-wired, and can be re-wired by thinking positively, and in doing so, we can have a happier life. Since...
Nov 15, 2018 | Anxiety, Burnout, Calling, Career, Depression, Emotional Health, Fatigue, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Missionary, Pastor, Productivity, Rest, Stress, Uncategorized, Work, Workaholism
I enjoy watching the ABC show, Shark Tank. It’s entertaining, funny, informative, and at times—touching. The show reminds me about the importance of focus, passion, hard work, and commitment to one’s calling. It’s a weekly testament to the power of diligence,...
Sep 7, 2018 | Calling, Career, Growth, Leadership, Productivity, Success, Work
One of the more important challenges a leader will ever solve is: How can I get more out of my team without crushing them? Unmercifully squeezing as much as possible out of team members until they burn out is not good leadership. Neither is manipulating or coercing...