Mar 17, 2022 | Burnout, Emotional Health, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Rest
Working from the home office today and listening to the rhythmic beat of rain landing on the roof. Why do I love that mesmerizing sound so much? Why is it so soothing? The steady pounding of rain takes me back to fond memories of vacations with Laura and the boys....
Mar 10, 2022 | Calling, Change, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Transition, Uncategorized
After a two month hiatus, Jaime Hlavin rejoins the blog today with a wonderful post on the subject of transitions. This is part three of her series on this most important and relevant subject. Enjoy ~ John Each year, our Ministry Network runs a conference for our...
Mar 8, 2022 | Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Vision
During recent conversations with leaders, along with internal conversations here at Converge Coaching, we’re sensing that the dark cloud that’s hung over churches during the pandemic may be dissipating. We’re making no predictions of course, but our perspective is...
Mar 3, 2022 | Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Uncategorized, Vision
During recent conversations with leaders, along with internal conversations here at Converge Coaching, we’re sensing the dark cloud that’s hung over churches during the pandemic may be dissipating. Many challenges have confronted pastors during this two-year stretch,...
Mar 1, 2022 | Emotional Health, Fatigue, Leadership, Longevity, Mental Health, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Vacation
In today’s episode John and Jim unpack three revelations John received while on his recent vacation. Rediscovering what fills up your emotional tank and make that the centerpiece of your annual time away will help you achieve the admirable goal of leading better,...
Feb 24, 2022 | Anxiety, Burnout, Calling, Depression, Emotional Health, Exhaustion, Health, Leadership, Mental Health, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Relationships, Uncategorized
If you’re an adult, you are responsible for your mental and emotional well-being. No one else is. During the month of February, we’ve been blogging about mental and emotional health. We’ve explored How to Become Your Own Best Friend; Discover the Power of...