Feb 27, 2025 | Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Physical Fitness, physical health
The shiny newness of January has dulled. It’s cold and dreary in the Midwest and many of our New Year’s resolutions have long been abandoned. The lake effect snow of winter in Michigan can be pretty bleak. We can go weeks without seeing a glimpse of the sun. The snow...
Apr 20, 2023 | Alignment, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Physical Fitness, Rest
We are currently on a journey to help leaders do their absolute best to be their very best. We believe the key to this quest is personal alignment. You can catch up on our previous installments here and here as we work through John’s book, Unshakable Leader: The...
Mar 30, 2021 | Alignment, Anxiety, Burnout, Depression, Emotional Health, Leadership, Longevity, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Physical Fitness, Relationships, Rest, Uncategorized
Leading From Alignment: Episode 79 – The Peril of Success Ah success . . . an oft-used word in our country. Many times, an oft-misunderstood word. Today, we want to focus on the subject, The Peril of Success. In seasons of tremendous growth and blessing, I made...
Dec 17, 2020 | Calling, Career, Growth, Leadership, Leading Yourself, Mentors, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Physical Fitness, Productivity
As 2020 nears its finish . . . 2021 looms. It’s been difficult for church leaders to plan much of anything organizationally in 2020. As we near 2021, it seems as though for a while, planning far ahead is going to be similarly difficult in the New Year. Pre-COVID, we...
Apr 9, 2020 | Alignment, Calling, Career, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Physical Fitness, Uncategorized
Physical fitness . . . the final frontier (insert Star Trek Music). Today, we’re tackling the subject of getting our bodies into shape, and in some ways, it feels like we’re approaching the last great frontier when it comes to personal alignment and health for...