Feb 27, 2025 | Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Physical Fitness, physical health
The shiny newness of January has dulled. It’s cold and dreary in the Midwest and many of our New Year’s resolutions have long been abandoned. The lake effect snow of winter in Michigan can be pretty bleak. We can go weeks without seeing a glimpse of the sun. The snow...
Dec 5, 2019 | Anxiety, Burnout, Calling, Career, Depression, Emotional Health, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Missionary, Pastor, physical health, Rest, Stress, Workaholism
Today Jaime Hlavin brings another insightful post . . . about the impact of sleep (or a lack thereof) on leaders. I know you’re going to enjoy today’s post ~ John If ever there was a child meant to have a pet dog, that child is my 12-year old daughter....
Jul 27, 2017 | Calling, Family, Fatigue, Leadership, physical health, Rest, Stress, Uncategorized, Work
“Reflection turns experience into insight.” ~ John Maxwell We (Laura, Chad and I) recently returned from a week of vacation in northern Michigan. The multi-shaded blue waters of the Great Lakes, the beautiful rivers, the feel of sand between my toes, fantastic...
Mar 31, 2016 | fitness, physical health, Rest
Today we welcome a fresh voice to the Converge Coaching blog… Dave Barringer. Dave is a great husband to his wife Anne, and a great dad to his children Cammy and Ethan. He is also a lead pastor, and a good friend. Hope you enjoy his contribution ~ John Physical...