Oct 13, 2016 | Calling, Career, Depression, discouragement, Fatigue, Leadership, Rest, Stress
401k plans serve as the primary retirement funding vehicle for private sector workers. The purpose of a 401k plan?f It’s a tax-advantaged savings vehicle for building your retirement nest egg. If you don’t contribute to your 401k now, if you don’t plan for your...
Sep 22, 2016 | Calling, Career, Contentment, Fatigue, Leadership, Rest
Sunday September 18 was a milestone day for the Opalewski family. The campus we’re giving oversight to launched to the public. It marks the first time in more than 20 years that we’ve officially served as “pastor.” (It’s a part-time role that allows us to continue...
Aug 5, 2016 | Calling, Career, Depression, discouragement, Leadership, Rest, Stress, Uncategorized, Work
Credit cards operate on the following basic principle: Buy now—pay later. See a pair of shoes you like, but not enough cash on hand or in your debit account? No problem… charge it. A new set of golf clubs catches your eye, but not enough money in your wallet? No...
Jul 22, 2016 | Calling, Career, discouragement, Leadership, Productivity, Rest, Uncategorized, Work
I am fed up. According to John Palmer of Emerge Ministries, we’re now losing 2000 pastors every month in the U.S. The main drivers are burnout, contention in the church, or moral failure. The rate of depression among ministers and their spouses is 4.5x higher than...
May 6, 2016 | Calling, Career, character, Leadership, Marriage, Pastor's Kids, Relationships, Rest, Work
I love football. This past weekend was a football-lover’s dream—the 2016 NFL Draft. Laremy Tunsil, considered the most talented player in the draft, was the surefire #1 pick. Until a photo emerged of him wearing a gas mask attached to a bong. Tunsil tumbled all...
Apr 21, 2016 | Calling, Career, Fear, Leadership, Productivity, Rest, Uncategorized, Work
Coming alongside leaders and joining them on their journey is one of the greatest privileges in life. The longer I work with leaders, the more I realize the majority of them struggle with one thing more than any other. And it’s not what you think. It’s not fame or...