Sep 6, 2022 | Leadership, Metrics, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast
In today’s episode John and Jim welcome Craig Owens to the mic. Craig is a pastor, a consultant, and author of the book, Shepherd Leadership: The Metrics that really matter. Pod 153 explores how our strengths can become our kryptonite if we’re not careful. Here are...
Aug 30, 2022 | Calling, Leadership, Leading Yourself, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast
In Part 2 of my interview with Chip Judd, Care Pastor at Seacoast Church in South Carolina, John and Chip focus on the inner life of leaders, and also on what can be done about the shrinking leadership pool. Here are the show notes: Let’s talk about the inner life of...
Aug 25, 2022 | Burnout, Exhaustion, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Sabbath, Workaholism
If you ask twenty people how many hours per week is reasonable for a leader to work, you’d probably get twenty different answers. Researchers from the business world have proven time and again that once you hit forty-five hours in a week, productivity (for most normal...
Aug 23, 2022 | Calling, Emotional Health, Leadership, Longevity, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast
In today’s episode, John interviews Chip Judd, Care Pastor at Seacoast Church in South Carolina. This powerful conversation unpacks important insights into the call of God on a leader’s life, and the top challenges they face in a quickly changing culture....
Aug 18, 2022 | Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Success, Teachability
When success arrives, it’s easy to get full of ourselves. We can let our accomplishments go to our head. Or think we’re better than we really are. I’m 100% in favor of success—but hidden within it are dangerous forces that if we’re not careful, can ruin our lives, and...
Aug 16, 2022 | Anxiety, Burnout, Depression, Emotional Health, Finishing Well, Leadership, Longevity, Mental Health, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast
As the leader goes, so goes the organization they lead. What does health look like for a leader? In today’s episode—Part 2 of a 2-part series—John and Jim unpack two more consistent behaviors observed in pastors who’ve maintained robust health over a long period of...