May 24, 2022 | Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Preaching, Teaching
Driven by perfectionism, many pastors overanalyze, over-criticize, and behave less than graciously toward themselves after preaching. In today’s episode John and Jim unpack a prayer every preacher should consider praying before they get to the platform that will help...
May 19, 2022 | Decision-making, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Team members, Uncategorized
One of the more challenging responsibilities of a senior leader is dealing with their team’s performance. Especially when a member of that team is underperforming. More than once, I’ve heard leaders complain to me, “My staff just doesn’t get things done.” Missed...
May 17, 2022 | Leadership, Leading Yourself, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Productivity, Rhythms, Routines, Work
Today’s episode contains Part 2 of John & Jim’s interview with Chad Deerman, lead pastor of Faith Alive Church in West Branch, MI. Chad unpacks how he uses focused work segments at home and how they help him never find himself behind at home, and how...
May 12, 2022 | Anxiety, Depression, Emotional Health, Leadership, Mental Health, Ministry Leader, Pastor
Today we welcome my good friend Dave Barringer to the blog. He unpacks the problem of going solo when it comes to our mental and emotional health, and gives us six powerful coping mechanisms that propel us toward wellbeing. Enjoy ~ John “Dave, have you seen the...
May 10, 2022 | Calling, Focus, Leadership, Leading Yourself, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Productivity, Rhythms, Routines, Uncategorized, Work
In today’s episode, we interview Chad Deerman, pastor of Faith Alive Church in West Branch, MI. Together we unpack Chad’s powerful approach to focused work segments that have enabled the church he leads to get healthy and grow while simultaneously allowing Chad to...
May 5, 2022 | Calling, Emotional Health, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Transparency
When I was a kid, one of my favorite games was hide-and-seek. My siblings and I would take turns: One of us went upstairs and counted to twenty, while the rest hid downstairs under boxes, in the furnace room, or in the closet. I liked hiding more than seeking. The...