Aug 24, 2021 | Burnout, Calling, Depression, Emotional Health, Leadership, Leading Yourself, Longevity, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Pastor's Kids, Pastor's Spouse, Podcast, Uncategorized
Today we celebrate the 100th episode of Leading From Alignment! Since we launched the podcast two years ago, we’ve had over 16,000 listens and video through plays. Today, John and Jim interview three special guests, asking them to share their favorite episodes,...
Aug 19, 2021 | Calling, Laziness, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Productivity, Uncategorized, Work, Workaholism
A while back, a good friend pointed out that while the majority of pastors overwork, a certain segment of pastors have swung to the other extreme. This segment apparently thinks working forty hours per week is overdoing it. For them, it seems to be too much. And I...
Aug 17, 2021 | Communication, Influence, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Uncategorized, Words
Words . . . one of the most powerful forces for good in the organizations we serve. Unfortunately, one of the most powerful forces for not-so-good as well. Proverbs 18:21: “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs...
Aug 12, 2021 | Calling, Insecurity, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Uncategorized
Many leaders struggle with the demon of insecurity. (I’m using the word “demon” metaphorically, not literally.) King Saul was the crown prince of this particular character flaw. Chosen by God to be Israel’s first king, Saul had good looks, leadership skills, flashes...
Aug 10, 2021 | Bivocational, Burnout, Calling, Depression, Fatigue, Leadership, Longevity, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Rhythms, Uncategorized
In 2015, more than 38% of pastors in the U.S. were bi-vocational. Almost every church has at least one bi-vocational leader on their team. Tim Diehl defines a bi-vocational pastor as a person who serves as a pastor in a church and also carries one or more other jobs...
Aug 5, 2021 | Calling, Career, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Teachability, Uncategorized
Shooting stars are so cool to watch. They produce a bright streak of light in the sky, caused by the entry of a small meteoroid into the Earth’s atmosphere. Imagine laying on a beach during the summer at night, looking up at the sea of stars, and then all of a sudden,...