Feb 22, 2018 | Burnout, Calling, Career, Emotional Health, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Missionary, Pastor, Rest, Stress, Trust, Uncategorized, Workaholism
I am fed up. According to an extensive Barna research study of 14,000 U.S. lead pastors, published in January 2017, 37% of lead pastors are at medium to high risk of burnout. 43% are at medium to high relational risk with their spouses. A whopping 66% say they have...
Feb 1, 2018 | Burnout, Calling, discouragement, Fatigue, Leadership, Pastor, People Leaving, Quitting, Stress, Uncategorized
What should you do if you’re a pastor and have lost the passion for your calling? What can you do when your assignment seems fuzzy, difficult, perplexing, and you find yourself wondering: “God, why did You lead me to this church?” Most pastors wrestle with these...
Jan 11, 2018 | Burnout, Calling, Career, Emotional Health, Fatigue, friendship, Leadership, Loneliness, Ministry Leader, Missionary, Pastor, Pastor's Spouse, People Leaving, People-pleasing, Relationships, Rest, Stress, Uncategorized
In last week’s blog we looked at 5 Common Stressors Pastors Face: Difficulty separating from work Wear and tear of spiritual warfare Societal dysfunction Raising/maintaining church budget Sensitivity Today I’d like to offer some practical ways pastors can address...
Jan 4, 2018 | Burnout, Calling, Career, Depression, discouragement, Emotional Health, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Missionary, Pastor, People Leaving, Stress, Uncategorized
It’s 2018! Every New Year’s Day for me brings with it a sense of a fresh start, rekindled hope, and renewed faith. I think most pastors anticipate the new year with optimism, and hold the sincere belief that the year ahead will be even better than the one they’ve just...
Dec 14, 2017 | Calling, Career, discouragement, Fear, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Missionary, Pastor, People Leaving, Stress, Uncategorized, Work
Growth often starts with subtraction. Thousands of years ago, when Israel was being oppressed by the Midianites, God raised up a leader named Gideon to deliver His people from their enemy. When Gideon initially rallied the troops, 32,000 men showed up. But God said:...
Nov 16, 2017 | Burnout, Calling, Career, Emotional Health, Family, Fatigue, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Missionary, Pastor, Productivity, Rest, Stress, Uncategorized, Work, Workaholism
If you ask twenty people how many hours per week is reasonable for a leader to work, you’d probably get twenty different answers. Researchers from the business world have proven time and again that once you hit forty-five hours in a week, productivity (for most...