Feb 23, 2021 | Anger, Assertiveness, Bitterness, Burnout, Depression, Emotional Health, Happiness, Leadership, Ministry Leader
Welcome to the show notes for Episode 74 of the Leading From Alignment Podcast. Today, we want to explore the positive impact assertiveness has on our health. One thing many leaders (especially Christian leaders) don’t know about anger is they have permission to...
Feb 18, 2021 | Abuse, Anxiety, Burnout, Depression, Difficult people, Emotional Health, Ministry Leader, Narcissism, Pastor, Relationships, Uncategorized
During the month of February, we’ve been writing a series of posts on getting/staying healthy mentally and emotionally. Today’s post is part three. Enjoy ~ John According to an article in Psychology Today, the average narcissism score among college...
Jan 14, 2021 | Anxiety, Burnout, Calling, Career, Depression, Emotional Health, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Stress, Uncategorized, Workaholism
According to Barna’s most recent stats, 50% of pastors are currently suffering with depression. Yikes. In sixteen years of working with pastors, I’ve never seen them more stressed as a collective whole than I do now. So I thought it might be a good idea to...
Jan 7, 2021 | Calling, Career, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Uncategorized, Work
2020 . . . the toughest year ever for most of us. And yet, probably the year most of us learned more than we ever have. At the beginning of every New Year, I like to reflect on the year that just ended, and identify the top three lessons the year prior has taught me....
Dec 31, 2020 | Calling, Career, discouragement, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Quitting, Work
It’s the last day of 2020. 2020 has been a bear of a year for everybody . . . especially leaders. Pastors are telling me, “John, it feels like the struggle has no end to it.” “I’m not sure how much longer I can hang in there.” Today’s post explores the subject of...
Dec 17, 2020 | Calling, Career, Growth, Leadership, Leading Yourself, Mentors, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Physical Fitness, Productivity
As 2020 nears its finish . . . 2021 looms. It’s been difficult for church leaders to plan much of anything organizationally in 2020. As we near 2021, it seems as though for a while, planning far ahead is going to be similarly difficult in the New Year. Pre-COVID, we...