Jul 5, 2022 | Burnout, Exhaustion, Leadership, Margin, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Productivity, Work, Workaholism
Increasing your team’s weekly hours by 50 percent (from 40 to 60 hours) does not result in 50 percent more productivity. Most leaders assume the extra hours will produce an equally matched extra output . . . but usually, this formula fails. In today’s episode, John...
Jun 30, 2022 | Laziness, Leadership, Margin, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Productivity, Team members, Uncategorized, Work
Several weeks ago I was working with a wonderful client of mine who is recovering from severe burnout. He is doing much better, not all the way back yet, but making great strides. And we had an interesting conversation . . . he was really struggling with the idea of a...
Jun 28, 2022 | Burnout, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Leadership, Longevity, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Productivity, Work
Busy-ness doesn’t guarantee productivity. Busy can fool us into thinking we’re achieving when we’re really not. In today’s episode, John and Jim chat about the idea of “guarding our assignment” and answer the question, “How can we avoid being faked out by busy?” Here...
Jun 23, 2022 | Emotional Health, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor
It’s time to kill the monster. Jealousy . . . aka the green-eyed monster . . . threatens us all. It’s an emotion every leader deals with occasionally. Its roots are insecurity, fear, self-doubt, etc. Jealousy can emerge when another leader achieves something you’ve...
Jun 21, 2022 | Emotional Health, Leadership, Mental Health, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Podcast, Self-Care
Occasionally, we still encounter some leaders who think self-care is a dressed-up word for selfishness. A while back one of our clients asked me, “what about Jesus’ call to deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow him?” I responded back with this: “Denying...
Jun 16, 2022 | Assignment, Core Values, Leadership, Ministry Leader, Pastor, Productivity, Uncategorized, Work
In 2 Chronicles 23, King Jehoida was giving instructions to his army, the priests, and the Levites about protecting about the temple of the Lord, who was allowed to enter it and who was not. And verse 6 says: “… all the other men are to guard what the Lord...